Frequently Asked Questions

What Is autism? Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder. It is impairment in the brain that affects an individual's ability to communicate and interact with others." It cannot be learned or “caught.” Research related to the Walden model has shown that typically developing students make substantial developmental progress in an integrated environment. Some argue that such progress may be exceptional in the areas of communication and social-emotional development because these areas are especially emphasized in the programming.

Will my child learn autistic behaviors while attending The Emerge School? We recognize that imitation of peers is a common, and often healthy, occurrence among young children. Your child may mimic behaviors he or she sees in peers. However, an important part of our program is learning about individual and family differences. We are all unique individuals and it is important for children to learn what works for them. We view this as a learning opportunity. For example, your child may have a classmate who likes to wear sandals year-round and may want to wear sandals in the winter. This provides a chance for you, as a parent, to teach your child that every family is different and has different expectations. Rest assured that undesirable behaviors will not be reinforced for any child at The Emerge School.

Why mix children with autism with typically developing children? Aside from preparing an educational foundation, the purpose of pre-school for typically developing children includes teaching social and emotional skills. Examples include how to play with other children, how to understand and express their needs and feelings, how to get along with others, how to make friends, how to constructively disagree with others, and how to listen to adults. These are areas in which children with autism also need support. As interacting with peers is a common goal, we believe it is natural to have children of differing abilities in the same classroom. Such inclusive early experiences sets a strong foundation for acceptance and cooperation throughout life.

What will my child learn? Parents and professionals see typically developing children with more flexibility, patience and compassion and a better understanding of others, than what is generally seen from their peers who did not attend school with children of differing abilities. In addition, all children will learn communication skills, social skills, and pre-academic skills through play.

Will my child make friends? Making friends is a major goal for all parents who send their children to pre-school. We expect that all children will make friends at The Emerge School. We build the day around creating opportunities to interact with peers and develop friendships.

Will my child have fun? Your child will be in a happy place. The teachers and professionals work to create an environment in which your child will thrive. The programming is designed to be part of an enjoyable early childhood experience and is enhanced by the passion and experience of our staff. There will be days, especially in the beginning of your child’s time at The Emerge School, where your child may experience some understandable anxiety. We seek to work together with parents to make a smooth transition into a comfortable childhood experience.

Will my child be safe at The Emerge School? Yes. The safety of children is important on many levels. Their emotional safety is ensured by highly trained staff members who understand the emotional development of young children and work to meet those needs.

The physical safety is closely monitored. The indoor classroom environment is clean, neat and well thought out. The outdoor environment is free from debris with good visibility to see the children at all times. These arrangements make accounting for the children easy at all times. All staff members are trained in CPR, First Aid and Universal Precautions and have undergone background searches.